Tuesday, May 17, 2011


My darling Fletcher boy turns two today. He's shocked that this year has gone by so quickly:

"Shut your mouth right now. Two?! Are you serious? But I'm still a baby. Just ask my Mom."

For fun, a video of the second day we had Fletcher that makes me cry because he's so teeny tiny. Please do not blame me for any puppies you may purchase as a product of this cuteness:

I know, right?

Normally, I feel like I would be saying, "Oh but he just turned one yesterday, where did the time go?" Instead, I find myself thinking it's been about six years since we were doing this:

First birthday celebration.

Partially because he's so big now, and partially because I cannot believe we ever didn't have Fletcher, but mainly because this has been a hell of a year to be his dog Momma.

First there was the middle of the night trip to the emergency vet, where he stayed for three days. And then there was emergency dental surgery in August. And then December rolled around and Fletcher got really sick; those were some trying weeks to say the least.

But, lucky for all of us, that pup of ours is a trooper. A really, ridiculously cute, ridiculously expensive little trooper who is doing just fine now. Honestly, it's no secret how much we love him, traumatic health crisis and all. He's just a little light in our life all the time:

Happy birthday to my happy Fletcher. I hope year three you feel like this every single day:

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to Fletcher! (Mitch says to tell Fletcher "hey, what's up?")
