Tuesday, January 4, 2011

On the Road, Again.

Well, the end of our two and half week break was a doozy, friends. We had a little family emergency, so at 6am on Sunday morning we were up and headed to St. Augustine. Fortunately, it seems like everything is going to be okay.

And despite my plans of having the most productive day ever, I spent the day Sunday feeling grateful that we are in a position, both geographically and in our lives, that we can hop in the car and go when we need to. Also, Hugh's brother and his wife were there, so I got to spend a good part of my afternoon watching my niece walk up and down the hall at the hospital charming every single patient there, which certainly didn't hurt.

Yesterday morning, we were up at 6am and heading home. After about four hours of sleep on Saturday night and three hours of sleep on Sunday night, I was a mess all day long. You know those people who say they don't really need to sleep? I am most definitely not one of them. Hugh can attest to this because I spent most of yesterday melting down like a toddler. So last night I went to sleep at 8:15pm. And today, even though I had to get up at 5:00 in the morning, I feel like a new person.

Anyway, today is Tuesday so I'm on the road again, but check back later this week for my year-end, year-beginning post (which includes resolutions like: be a better blogger, and blogging excuses for why you haven't blogged doesn't count). Until then, some Fletcher cuteness from our Savannah Family Christmas:

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