Friday, April 1, 2011

What We're Doing. And Eating.

Well, the monsoon of 2011 continues*. I'm seriously concerned about the state of my barely-budding garden out back. Concerned that I'm going to go outside and all of the pots are going to be floating away, quietly bobbing behind the ark.

How do people live in a place that is grey all the time? I'll tell you how: they do not own Boxers. To say Fletcher has been wired this week would be accurate if your definition of wired is: a dog staring out the window with longing at his ball and Frisbees in the backyard, whining, while his muscles quiver with unexpended energy. Needless to say, we've been playing a lot of catch in the house lately.

It doesn't help that on the days when it was sunny at our house, I was in Savannah. Where it was raining. You know what's more fun than waking up in a hotel away from your little family to get up and go to work? Doing it when it's raining outside.

Enough carping about the weather for you? Okay. If you need me, I'll just be canoeing out to the mailbox to see if I got any new magazines, because I need a little bright spot in these black-as-night days.

Updated to add: Ha ha. I typed this post last night. And when I woke up this morning to hit publish (And get my coffee. And work. I'm not just waking up for this blog, people.), it had stopped raining. Just in time for me to go out of town. But I'm not changing the post. Because, good Lord that was a lot of rain!

What we've been eating this week:

Pork Meatball Bahn Mi - I know I already told you that we ate this on Sunday. I'm just trying to ensure you hurry up and make these sandwiches already!

Chickpea Salad - A tasty, vegetarian, pack-ahead lunch. Just what a commuter needs.

Cheese and Crackers - Keeping it real. That's what I ate for dinner on Tuesday night. And I liked it. Until I woke up starving at 5am. Also keeping it real: Hugh definitely ate frozen yogurt for dinner on Tuesday. I suppose there are worse things to which he could be addicted.

Chipotle Pork Tacos - Delicious. And healthy. And pretty quick. You know, all my favorite adjectives for a weeknight dinner. Although, as with most Cooking Light recipes, I added more salt. I love salt. We also made the recommended Fennel and Radish Salad as a side dish. It was pretty good. A little change-it-up from the black beans we are usually eating three times a week.

Carbonara - The heart wants what the heart wants, friends. I made it myself this time because the favorite husband was at a dinner function. I won't say it was as good as Hugh's, but if his fro yo habit leaves me a widow, let's just say I won't starve.

Posole - Can't find a link to this recipe online, but it was from Esquire magazine and really good. Posole is a Mexican soup. Our version used chicken instead of pork. I roasted my own chicken, which is what the photograph above is from. Also, I ate all the skin from said chicken while the soup was cooking. Why is roast chicken (skin) so good? Tasty, steaming Posole:

Alright, friends. I'm off to pack. I hope your weekend is just lovely. See you Monday! Unless you love my dog. In which case you should check back tomorrow for some photos of his hilarity.

*Hugh, love of my life, father of my pets, keeper of my heart - I CANNOT move to a place where it rains all the time. I'm sorry. I tried to pretend like I could. But this week has been a sign from Heaven above that I need sunshine in my life. And 75 sunny days per year is not going to cut it for this girl. I mean, for God's sake, I spent seventeen years of my life in Florida. Also known as the sunshine state. So, how about CA?

Post Script: Is it just or are their a lot of references to a higher power in this post?

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